Starbucks Product Managers Try To Get Their Customers To Come Back Later

Afternoon visitors are what Starbucks needs in order to continue to grow

Clearly product managers at the Starbucks coffee chain have no problems getting customers to drop by their stores in the morning and purchase coffee. However, as is the case with product managers everywhere, the Starbucks product managers are under pressure to keep growing the firm’s profits. If they are going to do this, then they … Read more

Product Managers Deal With The Challenge Of Cup Holders

Can a car ever have too many cup holders?

So if you were a product manager who was in charge of an automobile, what do you think that your #1 concern would be? Do you think that your customers would care most about how fast your car could go? How about how many doors it has or the size of its tires? Could it … Read more

Restaurant Product Managers Discover Too Much Of A Good Thing

Product managers need to be aware of the impact of changes to their product

As product managers, the one thing that we’d all like to have is more customers. We dream of the day that we’ve created a product development definition that will cause our customers think about our product and then as quickly as they can take action to get their hands on it. These hopes and dreams … Read more

What Do Starbucks Product Managers Have To Do To Keep Growth Going?

Wouldn’t it be great to be a product manager at Starbucks? Well, if you liked coffee it would be a great job. For the past few years, Starbucks has been experiencing a 5% growth in their stores. However, in the past year this number has started to slip. Clearly the Starbucks product managers need to … Read more

Can Starbuck’s Product Managers Take It Upscale?

Doesn’t it seem as though the Starbucks coffee shops are just about everywhere by now? There are even some streets that have two of them: one on either side of the street so that people don’t have to flip around to get to a Starbucks. The market for coffee has become so large and so … Read more

What Can McDonalds Product Managers Do To Capture Young Customers?

The product managers at McDonald’s have a problem on their hands. A recent study revealed that among younger burger eaters, the millennials, only one in five has ever eaten a Big Mac burger. For a 61 year-old burger chain, this does not bode well for the future. McDonald’s product managers need to take a look … Read more

Is Offering Private Label Brands A Good Move For Amazon?

By now we all know Amazon as the gigantic online store that sells just about everything. However, what a lot of us may not realize is that, depending on where you live, Amazon has expanded their product development definition to sell food. Lots of food. The product managers over at Amazon are under pressure to … Read more

McDonald’s Product Managers Have A Breakfast Problem On Their Hands

Let’s face it, McDonald’s won the battle for breakfast a long time ago. For McDonald’s, breakfast is a big part of where they make their money: 25% of their sales come from breakfast. However, what seemed to be a done deal is starting to look anything like that now. Over at Taco Bell, a new … Read more

When Apps Go Bad: What We Can Learn From Wendy’s Mistake

In the U.S. the Wendy’s fast food chain is well known. They may not be as large as McDonalds or have as many restaurants, but they do all right and I for one really like their salads. However, the product managers at Wendy’s recently got bitten by the mobile application (app) bug and decided to … Read more

What Starbucks Can Teach Product Managers About How People Pay For Your Product

By now everyone knows who Starbucks is – they are the company that sells coffee, a lot of it, and makes a ton of cash doing it. What you may not know is that they have some very sharp product managers working for them and as they follow the product development definition they are always … Read more