Drugstore Product Managers Try To Solve The Last Mile Problem

CVS wants to find ways to cross the last mile to get to their customers

One of the things that every product manager would like to have would be a guaranteed customer base. We’d all love to know that there was a group of customers out there that really needed our products and would probably always be buying from us. It turns out that there are a few markets that … Read more

Product Managers Struggle To Use Price To Make Their Products Popular

Strategy gets complicated when your customers are using technology to shop

As product managers, when we want to boost the sales of our product, one of the “levers” that we have to make this happen is the price of our product. If everything works out the way that it should, if we lower the price of our product then sales should go up. However, product managers … Read more

Product Managers Try To Find Stores To Fill Malls

Malls need stores, but what kind of stores?

When was the last time that you went out to a mall? For most of us, it’s probably been a while. We used to always go to the mall – that’s where you could get stuff, especially during the holidays. However, with the arrival of online shopping most of us don’t go to malls as … Read more

Why Are Product Managers Moving Away From Focus Groups?

Focus groups are the way that product managers used to find out how customers felt about their product

When a product manager is put in charge of a product, one of the first questions that they would like to be able to answer is just exactly what do potential customers think about the product? There are number of different ways to go about answering this question and testing our product development definition, but … Read more

Exclusive Webinar: Providing Customers with Exceptional Connected Experiences

HI fellow Product Managers, The modern consumer is more connected than ever before, using multiple devices and interacting with brands through numerous touchpoints. How brands meet the needs of the connected consumer will be the defining factor in whether they stay relevant and deliver a positive customer experience. Join this exclusive webinar: http://bit.ly/2noaf3m (09:30am PST … Read more

Exclusive Webinar: Providing Customers with Exceptional Connected Experiences

Hello fellow Product Managers, The modern consumer is more connected than ever before, using multiple devices and interacting with brands through numerous touchpoints. How brands meet the needs of the connected consumer will be the defining factor in whether they stay relevant and deliver a positive customer experience. Join this exclusive webinar: http://bit.ly/2noaf3m (09:30am PST … Read more

What Can Amazon Product Managers Do About The Customers They Don’t Have?

As product managers, we spend a great deal of our time trying to figure out ways to get more people to buy our products. However, there is that very small collection of product managers who have extremely popular products who have a slightly different sort of problem that they have to work out. They really … Read more