Mall Product Managers Discover The Value Of Gyms

Gyms can make malls a go-to destination

If you’d like to sign up for a challenging product manager job, then perhaps you’d like to look into what it would take to become the product manager for a mall. Back in the day, malls where where everyone in town would go to do their shopping. They had movie theaters, food courts, and, of … Read more

Product Managers Discover The Power Of Shelves

It turns out that even in this modern age, store shelves are still important

Product managers are starting to discover that something that we may have stopped thinking about in this digital age is still very, very important. Even as more and more of our customers are buying things online, it turns out that they still go out and go shopping. When they do this, they want to see … Read more

What It Takes To Be A Pop-Up Product Manager

Pop-up product managers have to be quick on their feet

As product managers we are always being told that we need to better understand our customers. We believe that if we were to truly understand them, then we would know how to offer them the products that they want, when they want them, and where they want them. In the world of retail products this … Read more

What’s The Secret To Being A Successful Meal Kit Product Manager?

Meal kit product managers need to find new ways to be successful

The world that we live in is changing and what this means for product managers is that we need to find ways to change with it. One area that is undergoing dramatic changes is how we go about fixing dinner. It used to be that you and I would either eat out or we’d go … Read more

Product Managers Want To Know What’s Gone Wrong At UPS

UPS is trying to play catch-up with both Amazon and FedEx

When it comes time to ship a product to a customer, product managers in the U.S. know that they have three different options: the Postal Service, FedEx, and UPS. FedEx and UPS generally cost more, but they are fiercely competitive and if you hand your package off to them, you know that it will reach … Read more

How Indian Product Managers Do Battle With Retail Goliaths

In India, mom-and-pop stores are slaying the big chains

Retail giants Amazon and Walmart really, really want to start selling a great deal in India. In fact, they are willing to spend billions to set up shop there. However, their success is not guaranteed. It turns out that they are going to be battling the countless number of mom-and-pop stores that are already there … Read more

Product Managers Try To Find Stores To Fill Malls

Malls need stores, but what kind of stores?

When was the last time that you went out to a mall? For most of us, it’s probably been a while. We used to always go to the mall – that’s where you could get stuff, especially during the holidays. However, with the arrival of online shopping most of us don’t go to malls as … Read more

Product Managers’ Customers Are Now Shopping Online

The times they are a changing. As product managers it is our responsibility to stay on top of trends that are affecting our customers. One very important trend is just exactly how our customers are going about buying things. In the old days, customers would decide that they needed something, get in their car and … Read more