What’s The Secret To Being A Successful Meal Kit Product Manager?

Meal kit product managers need to find new ways to be successful

The world that we live in is changing and what this means for product managers is that we need to find ways to change with it. One area that is undergoing dramatic changes is how we go about fixing dinner. It used to be that you and I would either eat out or we’d go … Read more

Can Apple’s Product Managers Win Back The Movie Market?

So just in case you didn’t realize it, Apple makes a lot of money from both renting and selling movies. This is all part of their iTunes empire that has been around for a while and has become sort of the defecto go-to location for a lot of people when they are looking for new … Read more

Partnerships That Don’t Work Out For Product Managers

As a product manager, you want to be able to get your product out in front of as many potential customers as possible. However, this is something that sometimes your company can’t accomplish all by themselves. When you realize this, you often start to look for a partner – somebody who can help change your … Read more