Grocery Product Managers Start To Think Small

Product managers start to bet on smaller grocery warehouses

Grocery product managers are starting to face a real problem. More and more of their business is starting to be driven by customers going online and ordering food and then expecting it to show up at their door. What this means for these product managers is that the old way of doing business, building more … Read more

Drugstore Product Managers Try To Solve The Last Mile Problem

CVS wants to find ways to cross the last mile to get to their customers

One of the things that every product manager would like to have would be a guaranteed customer base. We’d all love to know that there was a group of customers out there that really needed our products and would probably always be buying from us. It turns out that there are a few markets that … Read more

Amazon’s Product Managers Struggle To Make Food Delivery Successful

Amazon's food delivery service is not living up to customer expectations

If there is one new product that is currently red hot, it would be food delivery. There are a bunch of brand new companies that seem to have shown up overnight who are now all vying to deliver food to our houses. Not wanting to get left behind in this booming market, Amazon has decided … Read more

Product Managers Attempt To Deliver Food Fast

Food can be delivered to your house, but is anyone making any money?

One of the fasting growing areas in retail right now has to do with the home delivery of food. Just about everywhere that you go to eat, you probably see stickers plastered on the window saying that if you wanted to stay home and eat this location’s food, you could do it by calling one … Read more

Product Managers Start To Use Robots To Deliver Groceries

Delivering groceries using robots may be easier than creating self-driving cars

When it comes time for you to get some groceries, what do you do? If you are like most of us, you jump into your car. Drive to the grocery store. Shop for what you want and buy it. Then you jump into your car again and drive home. It turns out that this is … Read more

What Can Domino’s Teach Product Managers?

What does the future hold for Domino's?

Anyone who went to university knows all about Domino’s. After a late night of studying, they were the ones that we’d all call to have a hot and tasty pizza delivered to us. What a lot of us may not know is that it was Domino’s that first made pizza popular in the U.S. back … Read more

Can Amazon’s Product Managers Deliver The Goods?

Amazon is preparing to do battle with UPS and FedEx

As just about everyone knows, you can order anything from Amazon. However, where a lot of us get a bit confused is just exactly how what we order actually gets to our doorstep. Yeah, yeah – for many of us Prime members we know that it will arrive in two days (or less), but just … Read more

How Do Bookseller Product Managers Market Food Products?

Amazon Product Managers are starting to sell food products

We should all have such problems. The product managers over at that very, very successful company called Amazon are now facing a new challenge. A while back Amazon paid US$13.5B to purchase the high-end grocery store chain called Whole Foods. The Amazon product managers are now under the gun to change their product development definition … Read more