Product Managers Get Interested In Drive-Throughs
The pandemic caused customers to start to order more food using drive-throughs and they seem to want to continue to do this even now
The Accidental Product Manager
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The pandemic caused customers to start to order more food using drive-throughs and they seem to want to continue to do this even now
Grocery store product managers have benefited from the pandemic; however, now they have to prepare for life after the pandemic
Restaurant product managers who saw a growth to their home delivery business during the pandemic now have to create ghost kitchens to keep up with the demand
Restaurants that are running into capacity issues with the increase in home delivery orders are starting to create “ghost kitchens” in empty mall spaces
What a wonderful time we are living in! With the arrival of the internet, all of sudden there is no longer a reason for any of us to have to go out to a restaurant any more. Instead, all we have to do is to bring up one of those online ordering applications, select what … Read more
One of the fasting growing areas in retail right now has to do with the home delivery of food. Just about everywhere that you go to eat, you probably see stickers plastered on the window saying that if you wanted to stay home and eat this location’s food, you could do it by calling one … Read more
I’m pretty sure that by now we all know who Amazon is. They are the very large company that started out as a book seller and over time has morphed into a company that sells just about everything and seems to do just about everything. The Amazon product managers seem to have an almost golden … Read more
The pandemic shut down many businesses but fast food product managers have seen their business start to come back
Restaurants have been hit hard by the Covid-19 virus but fast food restaurants are coming back strong and trying to find ways to be successful
Restaurants that have been affected by the Covid-19 virus are delivering more online orders and so they need more kitchen spaceā