Mall Product Managers Discover The Value Of Gyms

Gyms can make malls a go-to destination

If you’d like to sign up for a challenging product manager job, then perhaps you’d like to look into what it would take to become the product manager for a mall. Back in the day, malls where where everyone in town would go to do their shopping. They had movie theaters, food courts, and, of … Read more

Grocery Product Managers Start To Think Small

Product managers start to bet on smaller grocery warehouses

Grocery product managers are starting to face a real problem. More and more of their business is starting to be driven by customers going online and ordering food and then expecting it to show up at their door. What this means for these product managers is that the old way of doing business, building more … Read more

Can Department Store Product Managers Use The Internet To Save Their Stores?

Department stores are becoming where online products can be found

In this wonderful modern age in which we are all living, just about anything can be purchased online. However, there is a downside to this. You can’t touch online products. You can’t hold them in your hands and feel them. You can’t try them on. What’s missing from this whole online shopping experience is the … Read more

Product Managers Try To Determine If Smaller Is Really Better

Target is trying smaller stores in order to attract more millennials

Just imagine if you were a product manager for Target stores. You would be responsible for the success of a brand that has over 1,800 stores sprinkled throughout suburban areas everywhere. However, you would have recently bumped into some problems. Sales at your stores have just taken a dip for the first time in a … Read more

The Digital World Changes The Way That Food Company Product Managers Operate

Food purchase changes mean that product managers have to change

Let’s be straight about a few things: the world in which we live is currently changing. A lot. Nowhere is this more evident than perhaps when we take a look at how consumers go about buying food. This used to be a simple task: people jumped into their cars with their food shopping list in … Read more

Product Managers Want To Know: Why Do Malls Fail?

Just about every town that we live in has a mall. The mall has a collection of stores that if we need a specific thing, we know that we can visit the mall to get. There are generally food courts and movie theaters there also that cause us to visit the mall. Malls just seem … Read more

Product Managers Tackle The Santa Problem

So what’s the one thing that everyone knows about Santa? That he always delivers his gifts to the good boys and girls on Christmas morning. Not the day after Christmas. Or a week later. He gets it there on Christmas morning. As you might imagine, with more and more parents buying things online, the actual … Read more

Can A French Grocery Store Teach You To Be A Better Product Manager?

The Grocery Problem So what’s the most exciting thing that you did last week? I have no idea what your answer might be, but I’m willing to bet good money that going to the grocery store was not high on your list. Over in France the product managers at a company called Chronodrive have figured … Read more