Product Managers Discover How To Make More Money From Food

Product managers are learning how to get more money from food

Product managers for food products are facing a couple of different challenges right now. The first is that the cost of making food is currently rising. This means that their products are becoming more expensive even without them doing anything. The other problem that they are facing is that they are facing tough competition – … Read more

Product Managers Deal With The Problem Of Too Much Sand

It turns out that there's too much sand for fracking

Being a product manager in a growth industry is one of the best jobs that any of us can have. Everyday things seem to be rushing forward faster and faster, it’s all that we can do to keep up. This is exactly how life must be for product managers who are involved in the fracking … Read more

Grocery Store Product Managers Get Ready For The Future

Grocery stores are going to have to change to keep up with customer's needs

Product managers for grocery stores have actually had it pretty easy for quite some time. If you think about it, your local grocery store probably has not changed all that much since you were a little kid. Oh sure, now they have organic vegetables and perhaps they create prepared meals, but their product development definition … Read more

How Should Product Managers Price Their Products In A Down Economy?

How is your product priced? Are you playing a “price it and forget it” game? How about the “price it and then discount it down to whatever the customer will pay” game? You would think that product pricing would be a standard part of the product development definition, but all too often we skip over … Read more

Grocery Store Success Lessons For Product Managers

The company has no extra money for advertising right now. Your travel budget has been spent so you’re going nowhere. Your competition is slashing their product prices in a desperate attempt to stay in business. Oh, and you are expected to boost sales of your product. Sound familiar? As product managers we are tempted to … Read more

Offering Extra Services Can Get Product Managers Through Tough Times

It’s time for some creative product manager thinking. Times are tough, our customers are strapped for cash and yet we’d like to keep sales of our products at least at where they are if not boost them a bit. No matter if your product is a service or a “real” product, there’s something that you … Read more

Slimmed Down Products Make Product Managers Look Good

If product managers ran the world, we’d be able to sell our products to everyone at a very high price. However, since we don’t run the world (yet), we need to adjust and adapt in order to sell our products to as many people as possible for as high a price as is possible. However, … Read more

Cost Of Materials Is A Product Manager’s New Friend

In the current tough economic times we are all feeling the pressure to keep sales of our product either at current levels or to boost them in order to make up for shortfalls in other parts of the company. When  you step back for a moment and realize that our customers, both current and potential, … Read more