What Is Chick-fill-A’s Product Managers Secret To Success?

Chick-Fill-A product managers are riding the wave of breaded chicken demand

When lunch or dinner rolls around and you are hungry, what do you want to eat? If you are like most of us, you start looking for a fast food restaurant where you can go get a good meal and get in and get out. A number of possibilities come to mind: McDonalds, Burger King, … Read more

Grocery Store Success Lessons For Product Managers

The company has no extra money for advertising right now. Your travel budget has been spent so you’re going nowhere. Your competition is slashing their product prices in a desperate attempt to stay in business. Oh, and you are expected to boost sales of your product. Sound familiar? As product managers we are tempted to … Read more

When Times Are Bad – Product Managers Get Noticed!

The economy dips even farther down each and every day if you are to believe what you read on the front page of just about every paper lately. Product Mangers are finding themselves in tighter and tighter situations – what can we do in these tough times to make our products successful. Would you believe … Read more

How To Survive The Product Manager Bermuda Triangle

I can remember being something like 9 or 10 years old when I first learned about the Bermuda Triangle. I’m not sure where I first got my facts, but I’m willing to bet good money that it was that classic TV show with Leonard Nimoy called “In Search Of…” I didn’t sleep for something like … Read more

Are Angry Customers A Product Manger’s Best Friend?

In the world of a product manager, we spend our time worrying about defining, creating, and selling a product. All too often we view our job as being done once a customer has purchased our product – the next time we deal with them will be to get new requirements or to have them buy … Read more