Is Social Media Worth The Effort For Product Managers?

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, the list just keeps getting longer. Social media has certainly arrived. As product managers we all realize that these new tools offer us a fantastic way to get in touch with our potential customers and they need to be a part of our product development definition. However, it’s going to take … Read more

4 Marketing Trends That Well Dressed Products Need To Know

Every year the global fashion industry rolls out new lines of fashions from famous designers. The world gathers at trendy fashion shows to gasp in amazement as they discover which designers have outdone themselves this year and which ones have gone off into the weeds. Maybe it’s time for you to take a look at … Read more

Why ROI Is The WRONG Way To Measure Your Product’s Marketing Program

Ah the world of product marketing — it’s where artists dream up brightly colored logos and put together viral YouTube videos that nobody really understands but everyone has to watch and send to their friends. Well, as a product manager you may think that that is what goes on in the world of marketing, but … Read more

When Times Are Bad – Product Managers Get Noticed!

The economy dips even farther down each and every day if you are to believe what you read on the front page of just about every paper lately. Product Mangers are finding themselves in tighter and tighter situations – what can we do in these tough times to make our products successful. Would you believe … Read more