Product Managers Deal With A Sandwich That Is Too Popular

The Popeyes chicken sandwich is going to return

The dream of every product manager is to be responsible for a product that is so popular that it flies off of the shelves. We dream of the day that we have to spend our time worrying about how we are going to keep our product in stock because it is selling out so fast. … Read more

Product Managers Prepare For The Burger Wars

Burger product managers are battling for the same customers

One of the biggest challenges that product managers face is when there is someone else offering a product that is very similar to ours. When we find ourselves in a situation like this, we need to get creative in how we go about attempting to attract customers to our product. A situation like this is … Read more

Product Managers Are Bringing Robots To McDonalds

Soon you'll be waited on by robots at McDonalds

Pity the poor product managers at McDonalds! They work for one of the most successful fast food restaurants on the planet and so they are charged with finding ways to make their business grow bigger and grow faster all the time. McDonalds is already a fairly smooth flowing operation that has years of experience in … Read more

What Is Chick-fill-A’s Product Managers Secret To Success?

Chick-Fill-A product managers are riding the wave of breaded chicken demand

When lunch or dinner rolls around and you are hungry, what do you want to eat? If you are like most of us, you start looking for a fast food restaurant where you can go get a good meal and get in and get out. A number of possibilities come to mind: McDonalds, Burger King, … Read more

How Can Starbucks Product Managers Stop Things From Slowing Down?

Starbucks is running the risk of stalling

Imagine for a moment that you were a product manager working at Starbucks. The company is growing, everyone likes your product, you would be on top of the world. In fact, Starbucks has opened over 2,000 cafes in the U.S. over the past three years. The result of this rapid growth has been that you … Read more

Wendy’s Product Managers Take On Breakfast

Wendy's wants to bring in more customers in the morning

So here’s a quick question for you: what’s the most important meal of the day? If you said breakfast, then the product managers at Wendy’s would agree with you. Wendy’s has decided to once again make an attempt to expand their product development definition and start to offer breakfast items in an effort to attract … Read more

Starbucks Product Managers Try To Get Their Customers To Come Back Later

Afternoon visitors are what Starbucks needs in order to continue to grow

Clearly product managers at the Starbucks coffee chain have no problems getting customers to drop by their stores in the morning and purchase coffee. However, as is the case with product managers everywhere, the Starbucks product managers are under pressure to keep growing the firm’s profits. If they are going to do this, then they … Read more