How Subway’s Product Managers Are Going To Come Back
Subway product managers have had to deal with declining sales and new competition by reinventing the company and improving their food and delivery
The Accidental Product Manager
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Subway product managers have had to deal with declining sales and new competition by reinventing the company and improving their food and delivery
The pandemic caused customers to start to order more food using drive-throughs and they seem to want to continue to do this even now
Pity the poor product managers at McDonalds! They work for one of the most successful fast food restaurants on the planet and so they are charged with finding ways to make their business grow bigger and grow faster all the time. McDonalds is already a fairly smooth flowing operation that has years of experience in … Read more
Let’s face it, Amazon is a very large company. Once you get to be that big, you’ve got a significant problem on your hands. Your investors expect you to keep growing, but you are already so large that it can be difficult to do. The product managers over at Amazon think that they’ve come up … Read more