Product Managers Are Bringing Robots To McDonalds

Soon you'll be waited on by robots at McDonalds

Pity the poor product managers at McDonalds! They work for one of the most successful fast food restaurants on the planet and so they are charged with finding ways to make their business grow bigger and grow faster all the time. McDonalds is already a fairly smooth flowing operation that has years of experience in … Read more

Product Managers Start To Use Robots To Deliver Groceries

Delivering groceries using robots may be easier than creating self-driving cars

When it comes time for you to get some groceries, what do you do? If you are like most of us, you jump into your car. Drive to the grocery store. Shop for what you want and buy it. Then you jump into your car again and drive home. It turns out that this is … Read more

What Can Domino’s Teach Product Managers?

What does the future hold for Domino's?

Anyone who went to university knows all about Domino’s. After a late night of studying, they were the ones that we’d all call to have a hot and tasty pizza delivered to us. What a lot of us may not know is that it was Domino’s that first made pizza popular in the U.S. back … Read more

Papa John’s Product Managers Look For New Ways To Be Successful

Product managers need to find a way to redefine the brand

Can you think of any job that would be more delicious than being a product manager for a pizza chain? The product managers at the Papa John’s pizza company probably thought that they had the best job in the world for a very long time. Then things started to change for them. It seems as … Read more

Product Managers Prepare For Driverless Pizza Delivery Cars

Pizza companies are very interested in driverless cars

Could there be any better job than being a product manager at a pizza company? I mean, you have the ability to fully understand your product (and eat it to!), you know who your competition is, and your customers clearly want and desire your product. What more could a product manager ask for? Oh, perhaps … Read more

Product Managers And The Need For Pizza Boxes

I like pizza and I’m pretty sure that you do also. However, have you ever spent any time thinking about the box that your pizza comes in? I can tell you that had not, until the big U.S. sporting event, the Super Bowl, came around again and I started reading stories in the paper about … Read more