Starbucks Product Managers Try To Get Their Customers To Come Back Later

Afternoon visitors are what Starbucks needs in order to continue to grow

Clearly product managers at the Starbucks coffee chain have no problems getting customers to drop by their stores in the morning and purchase coffee. However, as is the case with product managers everywhere, the Starbucks product managers are under pressure to keep growing the firm’s profits. If they are going to do this, then they … Read more

What Do Starbucks Product Managers Have To Do To Keep Growth Going?

Wouldn’t it be great to be a product manager at Starbucks? Well, if you liked coffee it would be a great job. For the past few years, Starbucks has been experiencing a 5% growth in their stores. However, in the past year this number has started to slip. Clearly the Starbucks product managers need to … Read more

Can TV Product Managers Win The Fight Against The Internet?

So it turns out that the world of television is ruled by advertising. The more ads that you can sell, the more money you make and the more television programs you can both make and broadcast. Back in the day, television product managers ruled the world. Nobody else could compete with the number of potential … Read more

Product Managers Know That Too Much Of A Good Thing Is Bad

What would it take to get your customers to buy more of your product? Maybe if you offered them more choices – you know, more colors, more sizes, more brands, more flavors, etc. If they liked the new versions that you offered them, then maybe you could offer them still more versions of your product. … Read more

What Product Managers Need To Know About Customer Loyalty

Imagine for a moment that you were inthe business of building walls. Every day you’d get up go build part of a wall and then go home. What if every day when you returned, all of the work that you had done the previous day had been undone? How would you ever get that wall … Read more

Too Much Choice Is Bad: Customers Don’t Want To Do Your Job For You

Shopping for groceries is a pain. Being forced to do a grocery store’s job for them is a bigger pain. The U.K. supermarket chain Asda (owned and operated by Wal-Mart) is #2 in their market and they want to be #1. Their product managers have come up with a truly horrible plan to get there. … Read more