How Indian Product Managers Do Battle With Retail Goliaths

In India, mom-and-pop stores are slaying the big chains

Retail giants Amazon and Walmart really, really want to start selling a great deal in India. In fact, they are willing to spend billions to set up shop there. However, their success is not guaranteed. It turns out that they are going to be battling the countless number of mom-and-pop stores that are already there … Read more

Grocery Store Product Managers Get Ready For The Future

Grocery stores are going to have to change to keep up with customer's needs

Product managers for grocery stores have actually had it pretty easy for quite some time. If you think about it, your local grocery store probably has not changed all that much since you were a little kid. Oh sure, now they have organic vegetables and perhaps they create prepared meals, but their product development definition … Read more

Will The Amazon Hub Program Solve Amazon’s Package Delivery Issues?

Amazon has come up with a plan to deliver packages to apartment residents

Just imagine if you were a product manager at Amazon. What would one of your biggest challenges be? There’s no problem with Amazon having what your customers want – Amazon is huge and they’ve got a lot of warehouses. No, your biggest problem would be just exactly how you were planning on getting what your … Read more

Could Your Next Chair Come From Amazon?

Could Amazon become the next big furniture seller?

At some point in time we all have the need to get some furniture. When this happens to you, what do you do? Where do you go to get furniture? If you are like a lot of us there is probably some local store that runs a million ads on TV or in the newspaper … Read more