Restaurant Product Managers Discover Too Much Of A Good Thing

Product managers need to be aware of the impact of changes to their product

As product managers, the one thing that we’d all like to have is more customers. We dream of the day that we’ve created a product development definition that will cause our customers think about our product and then as quickly as they can take action to get their hands on it. These hopes and dreams … Read more

Can Product Managers Find A Way To Make A Better Burger?

I’m pretty sure that we’ve all had that feeling: it’s the “I want a burger” feeling. I’m not sure if I can really describe what it is, but there is a sudden need that we have to be filling our mouths with the rich satisfying feeling of consuming a big burger. The folks over at … Read more

When Apps Go Bad: What We Can Learn From Wendy’s Mistake

In the U.S. the Wendy’s fast food chain is well known. They may not be as large as McDonalds or have as many restaurants, but they do all right and I for one really like their salads. However, the product managers at Wendy’s recently got bitten by the mobile application (app) bug and decided to … Read more