Why WIIFM Is The Question That Every Product Manager Must Answer

What does it take to get a prospective customer to turn into an actual customer who buys your product? When I’ve asked this question to many product managers I always seem to get the same answer: the sales funnel shows how long it takes to move a customer from prospect to customer. Everyone seems to … Read more

How Product Managers Can Get Their Customers To Trust Them

In our relationships with other people, one of the most basic things that we generally spend no time thinking about is the issue of trust. Without trust, there really can’t be any relationship. In order for our product to be a success, we need to find a way to get our customers to trust us … Read more

5 Secrets To An Effective Pricing Strategy For Product Managers

Pricing really should not be all that hard to do, right? Pricing is just another part of your product development definition. Find out what your customer is willing to pay, design a product to be sold at that price that will give you a 25% profit margin, and poof you should be all good to … Read more

Product Managers Need To Know 4 Ways To Offer Their Customers A “Next Best Offer”

What would the perfect buying experience with your product be for your customer? I’d be willing that it would go something like this. They’d contact you and explain their problem to you. You’d listen, and then based on what you already knew or could deduce about them you’d end up recommending the perfect product that … Read more

Why Bank of America Needs To Do More Checking On Its Products

As product managers, one of our main goals is to always be searching for ways to apply the product development definition in order to leverage our products and boost the company’s bottom line. At the same time, we need to stay aware of our product’s impact on the company’s reputation. Over at the U.S. bank, … Read more

Product Managers Need To Learn How To Offer Customers A Next Best Offer

If there was a perfect world for us product managers to live in, what would it look like? Sure there would be white unicorns everywhere but what would our jobs be like? I’d guess that we’d know our customers much better than we know them today. In a perfect world, starting with the product development … Read more

How Roadmaps Can Prevent Product Managers From Getting Lost

Where is your product going to be in 6 months? What features will it have in a year? What is going to make your product different than everyone else’s in 5 years? If you can’t answer these questions, then perhaps you either don’t have a product roadmap or the one that you have isn’t doing … Read more

Product Managers Need To Know How Much Time To Invest In A Prospect

Talk to any product manager and they can tell you, when a new product gets introduced, the product manager becomes a part of the sales team for at least awhile – that’s almost a part of the product development definition. What this really means is that you are going to get caught up in the … Read more

Product Management 101: How The Bar Rescue TV Show Can Teach You How To Turn Prospects Into Clients

We’re going to kick it old school this time around and take a look at one of the key skills that every product manager should be good at, but all too often we’ve been working so hard that we’ve neglected this task: turning prospects into actual paying customers. If you can’t already list this skill … Read more

Video: Product Manager Tips: How To Use Subliminal Advertising

Dr. Jim Anderson looks into the power of subliminal advertising. What he wants to know is can this powerful technique be used when selling products to businesses… Dr. Anderson reveals the 4 keys to how product managers can go about incorporating subliminal advertising messages into their next ad, brochure, or PowerPoint presentation… To get more … Read more