Product Managers Need To Know How To Find Customers In A Dark Room

Just exactly how much do you know about your customers? Sure, we all do some segmentation and stuff like that as a part of our product development definition, but do you really know where your customers are in terms of thinking about buying your product? Are they at the beginning? Are they almost ready to … Read more

Product Managers Need To Know 4 Ways To Offer Their Customers A “Next Best Offer”

What would the perfect buying experience with your product be for your customer? I’d be willing that it would go something like this. They’d contact you and explain their problem to you. You’d listen, and then based on what you already knew or could deduce about them you’d end up recommending the perfect product that … Read more

Product Managers Need To Learn How To Offer Customers A Next Best Offer

If there was a perfect world for us product managers to live in, what would it look like? Sure there would be white unicorns everywhere but what would our jobs be like? I’d guess that we’d know our customers much better than we know them today. In a perfect world, starting with the product development … Read more

Tough Times Call For You To Fire Your Customers

Well, not all of them of course, but at least the ones that you really don’t want to have. As product mangers we all like to brag both internally and externally about how many customers are using our products. However, the dirty little secret that we don’t share is that all customers are not created … Read more