Newsletter Sign Up Overload!

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!It turns out that the new The Accidental Product Manger Newsletter has turned out to be just a bit more popular than even I could have hoped for! A few folks have reached out to me to let me know … Read more

Just For You: The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter

It is with a great deal of pride that I am finally able to announce that free subscriptions to The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter are now available! Subscribe to The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter now: Click Here! Why A Newsletter? Why Now? You might be asking why I felt the need to create a newsletter … Read more

Free Training For Product Managers In NYC: ProductCamp NYC

I was quietly minding my own business the other day when Beth Robinson reached out to me via email and asked me if I’d be willing to help her to get the word out about some upcoming free Product Management training that’s going to be held up in New York City. I’m always a sucker … Read more

Product Managers Know That EVERYBODY Must Be Green

Product mangers who decide to turn their products “green” in order to make less of an environmental impact need to look beyond their own shop. The initial challenge in taking a product green is to get the processes that you control to become more environmentally sensitive. The next step is to look at your suppliers. … Read more

Green Product Mangers Have Green Bosses

With “going green” being all the rage right now, product managers should give it some serious consideration for their products. Although we all SHOULD want to make the planet a better place for current and future generations to live, from a practical product management point of view having a green product may reduce costs and … Read more

Product Mangers Know That Green Products Cost More – For Awhile

Pity the poor product manager who’s firm has decided to do the trendy thing and “go green”. Why you say? Simple – going green can boost profits in the long run, but sadly it can take some serious time before you see results. Alan Robinson and Dean Schroeder over at the Wall Street Journal have … Read more

Who’s Ever Seen A Green Product Manager?

Ok, I’ll admit it – sometimes I throw away a plastic bottle that I know could have been recycled. I do it just because it’s too much effort to walk the extra distance to hunt down the recycle bin and put it where it’s supposed to go. So if I’m willing to sin this much, … Read more

Successful Product Mangers Are Good Lookers

No, no, we’re not talking about being physically attractive here – although… What I’m really getting ready to talk about is the secret to how product manager who work in the rough-and-tumble economies of emerging markets survive in the long term. What’s their secret and how can we use it to survive the current recession? … Read more

In A Recession, Product Managers Know Customers Want Value

A recession, like the one that we’re living though right now, changes everything. Product mangers who had everything set up and working just right have been surprised to discover that all of a sudden customers are canceling orders and have stopped placing new orders. What’s a product manger to do? Martin Roth and Richard Ettenson … Read more

When Times Are Bad – Product Managers Get Noticed!

The economy dips even farther down each and every day if you are to believe what you read on the front page of just about every paper lately. Product Mangers are finding themselves in tighter and tighter situations – what can we do in these tough times to make our products successful. Would you believe … Read more