Product Managers Attempt To Get NASCAR Back On Track

Once upon a time (about 10 years ago) the American racing system called NASCAR was at the top of its popularity. There were movies made about it, and fans tuned in to watch every race on television. However, those days are now long over. The television audience for NASCAR races is down by 45% in … Read more

How Can Product Managers Help Sbarro Come Back From The Brink?

I’m pretty sure that at one time or another, we’ve all eaten at a Sbarro pizza store. In my case, I’ve run into them in airports as I’ve been looking for a quick lunch or dinner on the way to catching my next flight. They are also in just about every mall out there. However, … Read more

The 6th Product Manager Sense: I See Dead Products

Does the recession have you down? How’s your product doing — nobody buying, nobody interested? Cheer up — it turns out that this is actually the best time to be a product manager. Recessions are some of the best times for product managers to create new products that shake up the market and make your … Read more

In A Recession, Product Managers Know Customers Want Value

A recession, like the one that we’re living though right now, changes everything. Product mangers who had everything set up and working just right have been surprised to discover that all of a sudden customers are canceling orders and have stopped placing new orders. What’s a product manger to do? Martin Roth and Richard Ettenson … Read more

Driving Lessons: Product Mangers Learn To Ride The Economy

The Dow Jones Average plunges 700 points in a day. Then it rises 500 points the next day. Your best customer just suddenly goes out of business one day (Enron, Lehman Brothers, Circuit City, etc.). Sure seems like no Product Manger could ever learn to deal with the worst economy in a generation… Wrong! Our … Read more

How To Keep Your Product Manager Job In A Recession

If you are a product manger at one of the big 3 car makers or even if you work for Motorola, times cannot be good for you right now. The rest of us are also looking over our shoulders trying to figure out if our jobs might be on the chopping block next. Every Product … Read more

7 Ways A Product Manager Can Be A Success During A Recession

Psst – don’t look now, but it sorta looks like all of the economies in the world are all tanking at the same time. If you are a product manager, this sure does not look good for your career. I view a product manager as being the CEO of your product and so at the … Read more