How A Product Manager Can Avoid Being Fired

Product managers need to know how to not get fired

Ok, so there really is no pride here: I’ve been fired. Not only have I been fired, but it turns out that I’ve been fired a lot. Like a total of seven times. Now, in my own defense I’ve worked for 14 different companies, but seven is still a very big number. I must confess … Read more

I How I Got Fired From My Product Manager Job

I had to say goodbye to my product manager job because I got fired

So before we dive into my tale of woe, let’s first make sure that we are all on the same page at least in terms of vocabulary. When you lose a job, there are a couple of different ways to have this happen. One is that you get laid off. This generally happens when the … Read more

Internet Job Hunting Tips For Product Mangers

In these tough times, even  Product Mangers may find themselves out on the street looking for a new job. Over at the Cranky Product Manager blog, there has been a fast moving discussion about what to do when you find yourself “between jobs”. One topic that has not been dealt with has been what Internet … Read more

How To Keep Your Product Manager Job In A Recession

If you are a product manger at one of the big 3 car makers or even if you work for Motorola, times cannot be good for you right now. The rest of us are also looking over our shoulders trying to figure out if our jobs might be on the chopping block next. Every Product … Read more