Product Managers And The Problem With Discounting

Every product manager out there would like more people to buy their product. Hmm, now just exactly how to go about making that happen? Sure, we need to provide our potential customers with the products that they want, but once we’ve done that, what else can we do to convince them to buy? It turns … Read more

License vs. Sale: Product Managers Need To Know The Difference

[Note: I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV. I am not giving out any legal advice in this posting. Should you need legal advice, please contact a lawyer in your town.] In this crazy mixed-up world that we live in, it’s the words that can often trip us up. For … Read more

What A Pastry Store Can Teach Product Managers

Product Managers all over the place are asking the same question: what should I be doing to boost my product sales during this extend economic downturn? If you read the papers and the trade magazines, there are no shortage of “experts” who are more than willing to offer their suggestions. I prefer to listen to … Read more

Green Product Mangers Have Green Bosses

With “going green” being all the rage right now, product managers should give it some serious consideration for their products. Although we all SHOULD want to make the planet a better place for current and future generations to live, from a practical product management point of view having a green product may reduce costs and … Read more