The Secret To Creating A Customer-Facing Product Roadmap

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!I like having customers. You like having customers. In fact, once we get a customer we sure would like to hang on to them. The problem is that our customers always want our products to do more, more, more for … Read more

How To Create A Product Timeline That Works

Ah, product timelines. This is arguably one of the most visible and one of the most difficult things that a product manager is called on to create in order to communicate your product development definition. It turns out that creating a timeline is not really all that hard to do. However, creating a timeline that … Read more

How Do You Save A Dying Brand? The Blackberry Story

The best product management job to have roughly 5 years ago would have been to work at Blackberry – the maker of the most popular mobile phones. Back in the day, no matter where you went, you would always see people typing on those little Blackberry keyboards or using their little Blackberry trackballs. However, a … Read more

Can Product Managers Innovate Too Fast?

Over in the world of IT products, there is a lot of talk going on about “cloud computing”. In a nutshell, what this means is that companies stop buying computers to run their programs on and instead pay other companies to buy computers and then turn their software over to them so that they take … Read more

Prada Product Managers Try To Recover From A Stumble

I must confess that I’m not that much into women’s handbags; however, even I recognize what brands are the most desirable in this category. Prada has always been in the lead. What woman wouldn’t kill for this season’s Prada bag? This is just the way that it’s always been. However, lately even the Prada product … Read more

Are AT&T Wireless Product Managers Getting More Customers The Right Way?

How would you like to have the job of being a product manager at a wireless service provider? Admittedly, it would be an exciting job. Wireless services bring in a great deal of money so there would be no questions about your product being a success, the real question would be what could you do … Read more

What Does Your Product Smell Like?

As product managers we are always thinking of ways to make our product more appealing to our customers. We all have long lists of features that we just know that once they are implemented; our product will become irresistible to our customers. However, there is a good chance that we may be overlooking something. Is … Read more

What Happened To Skymall?

Anyone who has ever flown on a plane in the U.S. knows who SkyMall is. They are the company that provides the catalog of things that you probably don’t really need that gets placed in the seat pocket in front of you. Even in today’s modern electronics age, when the flight attendants told you to … Read more

McDonald’s Product Managers Have A Breakfast Problem On Their Hands

Let’s face it, McDonald’s won the battle for breakfast a long time ago. For McDonald’s, breakfast is a big part of where they make their money: 25% of their sales come from breakfast. However, what seemed to be a done deal is starting to look anything like that now. Over at Taco Bell, a new … Read more