Online Product Managers Look For Ways To Stand Out In A Crowd
Online product managers are facing the challenge of dealing with a lot of competition and now having to fine ways to make their products unique
The Accidental Product Manager
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Online product managers are facing the challenge of dealing with a lot of competition and now having to fine ways to make their products unique
So let’s talk about email for just a moment. If you are like me, you get a ton of the stuff. In all honesty, most of it is junk and I just end up deleting it even before I read it. However, there are those one or two emails that just happen to catch my … Read more
Can anyone remember back in the day when there used to be a video rental store on just about every corner? We’d all head down to the rental store on a Friday with hopes that the latest release would be still in stock. We’d browse the aisles, pick out our one or two movies, perhaps … Read more
Anyone who has ever flown on a plane in the U.S. knows who SkyMall is. They are the company that provides the catalog of things that you probably don’t really need that gets placed in the seat pocket in front of you. Even in today’s modern electronics age, when the flight attendants told you to … Read more
Guess what: we don’t buy music any more. Nope, gone are the days that we’d go out to the store and pay US$15 for the latest album from our favorite artist. iTunes and downloadable music pretty much killed this market. However, it turns out that something brand new has shown up that is killing iTunes … Read more