Cost Of Materials Is A Product Manager’s New Friend

In the current tough economic times we are all feeling the pressure to keep sales of our product either at current levels or to boost them in order to make up for shortfalls in other parts of the company. When  you step back for a moment and realize that our customers, both current and potential, … Read more

New Coke: A Product Manager Campfire Story

In the world of product managers there are a few stories that the old hands talk about when they get together. The product failures, the flubs, and the downright fiascos that have grown into legends that are now only mentioned in hushed tones when a  product manger is trying to kill a product idea that … Read more

Going Cheap Is Ok For Some Product Managers

Ok, I’ll say it one more time: times are tough all over. If you are a Product Manager who’s product is, how shall I say this nicely, priced on the high side then what are you to do in these troubling times? Sure you can mess around with your product’s pricing and you could even … Read more

Performance Based Pricing – Is It Right For Product Managers In Tough Times?

Not to get too doom and gloom on you or anything, but how is your product doing these days? Sales a bit down? Sales fallen off a cliff? Desperate times call for desperate measures and I’m willing to bet that you are starting to get some pressure from upstairs / sales to start slashing your … Read more

Product Manager Lessons From An Online Company In China

Times are tough. Times are tough all over. This just happens to include China. Over there, one of China’s most prominent web-based companies is taking some innovative steps to deal with the current global recession. What they are doing to stay successful holds a lot of lessons for product managers everywhere. When Things Get Tight… … Read more

What A Pastry Store Can Teach Product Managers

Product Managers all over the place are asking the same question: what should I be doing to boost my product sales during this extend economic downturn? If you read the papers and the trade magazines, there are no shortage of “experts” who are more than willing to offer their suggestions. I prefer to listen to … Read more

Product Managers Know That EVERYBODY Must Be Green

Product mangers who decide to turn their products “green” in order to make less of an environmental impact need to look beyond their own shop. The initial challenge in taking a product green is to get the processes that you control to become more environmentally sensitive. The next step is to look at your suppliers. … Read more

Green Product Mangers Have Green Bosses

With “going green” being all the rage right now, product managers should give it some serious consideration for their products. Although we all SHOULD want to make the planet a better place for current and future generations to live, from a practical product management point of view having a green product may reduce costs and … Read more

Product Mangers Know That Green Products Cost More – For Awhile

Pity the poor product manager who’s firm has decided to do the trendy thing and “go green”. Why you say? Simple – going green can boost profits in the long run, but sadly it can take some serious time before you see results. Alan Robinson and Dean Schroeder over at the Wall Street Journal have … Read more

Who’s Ever Seen A Green Product Manager?

Ok, I’ll admit it – sometimes I throw away a plastic bottle that I know could have been recycled. I do it just because it’s too much effort to walk the extra distance to hunt down the recycle bin and put it where it’s supposed to go. So if I’m willing to sin this much, … Read more