What Can Product Managers Do When Burgers Cost Too Much?

Think about it for just a moment: just exactly what goes into making a good hamburger? We’re basically talking about three sets of ingredients: a burger (of course), a bun, and a collection of toppings. Just exactly how much should any of that cost? One upon a time you could go out to a restaurant … Read more

What Do Starbucks Product Managers Have To Do To Keep Growth Going?

Wouldn’t it be great to be a product manager at Starbucks? Well, if you liked coffee it would be a great job. For the past few years, Starbucks has been experiencing a 5% growth in their stores. However, in the past year this number has started to slip. Clearly the Starbucks product managers need to … Read more

Can Starbuck’s Product Managers Take It Upscale?

Doesn’t it seem as though the Starbucks coffee shops are just about everywhere by now? There are even some streets that have two of them: one on either side of the street so that people don’t have to flip around to get to a Starbucks. The market for coffee has become so large and so … Read more

Product Managers Tackle The Santa Problem

So what’s the one thing that everyone knows about Santa? That he always delivers his gifts to the good boys and girls on Christmas morning. Not the day after Christmas. Or a week later. He gets it there on Christmas morning. As you might imagine, with more and more parents buying things online, the actual … Read more

Why McDonald’s Is Losing The Burger War And What Their Product Managers Can Do About It

The product managers over at McDonalds have a problem on their hands. Yes, they work for one of the most successful companies in the world. For over 60 years McDonalds has been synonymous with fast food. However, the world is changing and McDonalds is not changing with it. A recent study showed that only one … Read more

What’s A Cola Product Manager To Do When Your Product Goes Flat?

When it’s hot out and you are thirsty, what do you want to drink? No, I’m not talking about a beer – let’s talk non-alcoholic drinks. Due to years and years of spending on enormous advertising campaigns, many of us instantly think of drinking a Coke when we want something cold and sweet. For years … Read more

What Do The Whole Foods Product Managers Have To Do To Create Organic Growth?

Whole foods is a grocery store chain. It’s actually a pretty special grocery store change and if you talk to any of the people who shop there, you’ll quickly discover that most of them are true believers in the company and the products that they carry. For the past few years, Whole Foods has been … Read more

How Did GoPro Lose Their Focus?

Wouldn’t it be great if when you are out and doing all of the exciting things that you do, rock climbing, surfing, hiking, etc. if you could somehow capture the moment in a photo? Sure your cell phone has a camera on it, but it’s not really up to the task of surviving a lot … Read more

Amazon Product Managers Prepare To Do The Unthinkable: Open A Store

You would think that being a product manager who works for Amazon would be a pretty cushy job right? The company operates one of the largest online stores and they don’t seem to have to generate a profit and investors still seem to love their stock. However, all of this success may hid a key … Read more

When Moving Online, Product Managers Need To Do Some Planning

Retail businesses are dead. We all need to change our product development definition because everything in the future will.be sold online. Well, ok, maybe not. However, I think that we can all agree that online sales are becoming a bigger and bigger part of just about every company and what you’ve done to help make … Read more