Why Don’t Amazon’s Product Managers Understand Europe?

Amazon’s product managers seem to be out of fashion when it comes to Europe

Let’s face it: Amazon is a very big company and they have done a lot of different things very well. However, it turns out that they may not yet be able to do everything perfectly. One area where the Amazon product managers are still struggling is in Europe. Specifically, when it comes to selling both … Read more

Product Managers Start To Understand The Power Of Online Reviews

When the customers for your product go looking for products online, how do they decide which one they are going to buy? As more and more of us become comfortable shopping online, we are starting to look towards people who have bought a product before to tell us if it’s any good. What this means … Read more

Is Twitter Out Of Control?

Hopefully you are well aware of just who Twitter is. The micro blogging service has over 313 million monthly users (just think about adding that to your product manager resume). If you turn on just about any television program, they are always talking about what is being discussed on their Twitter feed. This is all … Read more

Amazon Product Managers Prepare To Do The Unthinkable: Open A Store

You would think that being a product manager who works for Amazon would be a pretty cushy job right? The company operates one of the largest online stores and they don’t seem to have to generate a profit and investors still seem to love their stock. However, all of this success may hid a key … Read more

Is Going Direct To Your Customer The Next Step For Product Managers?

How does a customer get their hands on your product? If it is like most products, your product development definition called for a middleman to be involved. You create your product and then provide it to some sort of a middleman who runs a store or a catalog. The customer determines that they would like … Read more