Apple Shows Product Managers How To Get More For More

You sorta gotta have some pity for the poor product managers over at Apple. I mean yes, they are responsible for one of the most popular products out there: the iPhone. However, we are living in an age in which just about everyone who wants to have a smartphone already has one and so the … Read more

How Product Managers Can Find More Customers

I’m pretty sure that we all know and understand that product managers don’t work in sales. However, our career is very closely tied to the success of the product that we are responsible for. So, while we don’t have primary responsibility for selling our product, we are however quite motivated to make sure that the … Read more

As Athletes Go All-Natural, What Are The Gatorade Product Managers To Do?

Quick question: what happens to a U.S. football coach if his team wins the big game? If you said ″he gets a big container of Gatorade poured over his head″ then you were correct. The reason that this has become such a staple of the sport is because just about every major sporting event has … Read more

What Should Tesla Product Managers Do When Your Customers Try To Break Their Product?

Let us imagine for just a moment that you are a product manager who is in charge of a hot product – everyone wants to have one of these things. However, what if once you sold your product to a customer, they started trying to break it? Not only did they do this, but they … Read more

Can 7–11 Product Managers Make People Visit Their Stores More Often?

As a testament to just how ubiquitous they are, if I was to say “7-11” to you, what would be the first thing that flashed into your mind? In some cases it might be a slurpee, in others it might be the iconic sign. No matter, we all have an image that would appear in … Read more

Is Going Direct To Your Customer The Next Step For Product Managers?

How does a customer get their hands on your product? If it is like most products, your product development definition called for a middleman to be involved. You create your product and then provide it to some sort of a middleman who runs a store or a catalog. The customer determines that they would like … Read more

Product Managers Struggle To Discover: Just How Dumb Are Your Customers?

How important is honesty to a product manager? You would think that this would be a big deal to most of us, right? The thinking goes that if we’re not straight with our customers, they they’ll stop trusting us and they’ll go somewhere else to get the products that they need to solve their problems. … Read more

Just Exactly How Do You Go About Selling A US$200 Sports Shoe?

Does anyone remember the shoe company Adidas? Back in the day, they were hot stuff. However, in the world of highly competitive sports shoes, their product development definition and the company just faded away over time. However, they didn’t go away and they are in the process of trying to stage a comeback. It’s going … Read more

Product Managers Have To Decide: Is It Time For Bubble Wrap To Go Away?

If you are anything like I am, when you get a package sent to you in the mail you are excited to receive it. When the package arrives, the first thing that you do is to tear it open and get to the item that has been sent to you. We generally don’t spend a … Read more

What Is A USP And Why Is It Important To Product Managers?

Congratulations, you are managing a good product. It might even be a great product. However, when it comes time for one of your potential customers to pick a product to solve their problem, why should they choose yours over all of the other options that they have? The Power Of A USP Trying to figure … Read more