How Can Product Managers Turn A Competitor’s Advantage Against Them?

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!As product managers sometimes we have to sit back and just watch our competition execute a fantastic marketing program. Due to limitations that might be budget based, resource based, related to our product development definition, or simply lack of time … Read more

Just Exactly How Do You Go About Selling A US$200 Sports Shoe?

Does anyone remember the shoe company Adidas? Back in the day, they were hot stuff. However, in the world of highly competitive sports shoes, their product development definition and the company just faded away over time. However, they didn’t go away and they are in the process of trying to stage a comeback. It’s going … Read more

What Product Managers Can Learn From Apple About How To Handle Cooling Products

Hot products is what all of us product managers really want. We want the product that we are responsible for to be the one that is flying off of the shelves. Although this may be a great fantasy for most of us, some of us do find ourselves in this situation. However, nothing lasts forever. … Read more

Product Manager: Is Your Product Conflict Mineral Free?

Just when you thought that being a product manager couldn’t get any tougher, it just did. So I’m pretty sure that by now you’ve hear about “conflict diamonds”. These are diamonds that are mined in parts of Africa where there are ongoing wars. The bad guys sell the diamonds to fund their wars. People have … Read more

Going Mobile In China: Is This A Good Idea For McDonalds And Yum?

Let’s face it – being a product manager at a billion dollar global restaurant firm cannot be an easy job. Over at both McDonalds and Yum Brands (think KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell) their product managers realize just how important the China market is to their firms. Both firms realize that they need to … Read more

Product Managers Have To Decide: Is It Time For Bubble Wrap To Go Away?

If you are anything like I am, when you get a package sent to you in the mail you are excited to receive it. When the package arrives, the first thing that you do is to tear it open and get to the item that has been sent to you. We generally don’t spend a … Read more

Chipotle Product Managers Play Games With Ethics – Is This Ok To Do?

So product manager, I’ve got an interesting ethical issue for you. Are you ready? If sales of your product were sagging and your boss came to you and told you that it was your job to boost sales, how far would you go to make this happen? Would you change your product development definition? Would … Read more

Can Product Managers Learn To Sell Groceries Online – And More?

As product managers we all like to try new ideas out. However, sometimes the job that we’re being asked to do is so brand new that there really is nobody that we can compare ourselves to and no existing product development definition. The product managers at Ocado find themselves in this very situation: they are … Read more

What Can ESPN Teach You About Growing Your Product?

If you like sports, then you like ESPN. ESPN is the dominate force in the world of broadcasting sports. In fact, they are so much a part of sports today that it’s almost hard to remember a time when they didn’t exist. However, there was a time that sports fans had to hunt in order … Read more