Can NBC Product Managers Make The Olympics An All Year Event?

If there is one television program that just about everyone watches, after the Superbowl it’s probably the Olympics. These sporting events bring the best athletes from all around the world together for a short period of time. They get to compete against each other for personal glory and in a quest to win the most … Read more

How Can Product Managers Turn A Competitor’s Advantage Against Them?

As product managers sometimes we have to sit back and just watch our competition execute a fantastic marketing program. Due to limitations that might be budget based, resource based, related to our product development definition, or simply lack of time based there is nothing that we can do to counter what our competition is doing. … Read more

Is Offering Your Customers Bait Ever A Good Idea For A Product Manager?

I’m pretty sure that you are like me – you think that based on your product development definition your product is the best one out there. If only your potential customers would buy it, they would be amazed at how well it solves their problems. It’s just finding a way to get them to make … Read more