Product Managers Need To Make The Product Purchase Process Perfect

As product managers, we have a responsibility to our potential customers to make the product identification, selection, and purchasing process as easy as possible. However, all too often we seem to get caught up in trying to use the latest wiz-bang marketing tools that we’ve just read about and we can lose sight of just … Read more

Product Managers Need To Learn To K.I.S.S. Their Customers

Doggone it – what do your customers really want? You try listening to them, you try sending them surveys, you meeting them at trade shows, and yet you still feel as though they just don’t quite understand how great your product really is and so they aren’t buying it. You’ve done everything that is included … Read more

Product Managers Know Customers Don’t Buy When You Tell Them Too Much

If you would like to get more of your potential customers to buy your product, what’s the best way to make this happen? If you talked with product managers, I’d be willing to bet that you’d hear a lot of them tell you that delivering more product information to your potential customers just might do … Read more

Product Managers Need To Understand How To Upgrade Customers

One of the joys of being a product manager is that our products are always getting better. What this means for our customers is a never ending cycle of upgrades. Something that is probably not talked about enough is the issue of how to get your customers to upgrade (although we do this so often … Read more

Product Managers Need To Know How Much Time To Invest In A Prospect

Talk to any product manager and they can tell you, when a new product gets introduced, the product manager becomes a part of the sales team for at least awhile – that’s almost a part of the product development definition. What this really means is that you are going to get caught up in the … Read more

4 Ways Product Managers Can Let Their Customers Make Their Product A Success

Image Credit The one thing that every product manager wants more than anything else in this world is for our product to be a success — this should almost be a part of the product development definition. We are willing to work very hard to make this happen. However, maybe we’ve got it all wrong … Read more

Product Managers Need To Understand That Loyal Customers Are Not Always Profitable Customers

Every product manager out there would like to have more customers. In fact, the best kind of customer that we’d like to have are those rare and elusive loyal customers. When we are working on our product development definition, we all figure that the more of those that we’re able to pick up, the more … Read more

Product Managers Are Learning The Marketing Power Of One (Database)

All too often Product Managers fool themselves into thinking that more is better. Yes, sometimes this may be true, but when it comes to keeping track of both customers and product inventory, it turns out that using one database is the key to long term success… How Things Can Get Out Of Hand Although we … Read more

Product Management 101: How The Bar Rescue TV Show Can Teach You How To Turn Prospects Into Clients

We’re going to kick it old school this time around and take a look at one of the key skills that every product manager should be good at, but all too often we’ve been working so hard that we’ve neglected this task: turning prospects into actual paying customers. If you can’t already list this skill … Read more

Product Managers Don’t Like Surprises: Know Your Product’s Customers!

I find myself telling the product managers that I’m working with that they need to understand that one of a product manager’s most important jobs is to give good direction to their sales teams: who will buy your product. You may think that you know the answer, but like the product managers for 5-Hour Energy … Read more