Stop Giving Your Customers Too Many Choices — They Don’t Want Them!

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!As product managers, we have somehow convinced ourselves that our customers both want and need more choices when it comes to our products. This thinking has allowed us to heap on more and more choices for our customers to make: … Read more

A Cheap Way To Stay In Touch With Your Customers

So let me guess, the travel budget for your product which was measly to begin with has been slashed to the bone and you’re going to be home for dinner for the foreseeable future. That’s great news if you don’t like to travel, but it sorta sucks if you want to stay in contact with … Read more

Free Report — Boost Your Product Manager Career

So what am I going to have to do in order to get you to subscribe to The Accidental Product Manager newsletter? Is the issue cost? Well it’s free. Is the issue spam? You’ll only get one email from me a week and it will be stuffed with Product Manager information — who wouldn’t want … Read more

The 6th Product Manager Sense: I See Dead Products

Does the recession have you down? How’s your product doing — nobody buying, nobody interested? Cheer up — it turns out that this is actually the best time to be a product manager. Recessions are some of the best times for product managers to create new products that shake up the market and make your … Read more

Is Microsoft Planning On Having Blue Light Specials?

Put yourself in the shoes of a Microsoft product manger for just a moment. You’ve got a bit of a challenge: you work for a very large and a very powerful company that has lost its cool. In every category where once you ruled supreme, you now have pesky competitors showing up who product are … Read more

Why ROI Is The WRONG Way To Measure Your Product’s Marketing Program

Ah the world of product marketing — it’s where artists dream up brightly colored logos and put together viral YouTube videos that nobody really understands but everyone has to watch and send to their friends. Well, as a product manager you may think that that is what goes on in the world of marketing, but … Read more

How To Market Your Product In 2010

2009 is dead, long live 2009. Ok, so it’s not quite dead yet; however, even as your sales teams are running around trying to close the year out on a high note you as a product manager need to start to set your sights on what you’re going to do to get ready for next … Read more

Is Your Marketing Message Missing The Point?

If you were going fishing, how much luck catching fish do you think that you would have if you didn’t use any bait on your hook? Sure, there are probably some either dumb or near-sighted fish that might still bite, but you’re going to be doing a lot of sitting around waiting. Is it possible … Read more