Pot In NY: Every Product Manager’s Dream

Can we talk about big, untapped markets for just a minute? In the United States, the very large state of New York recently voted to legalize the use of cannabis to treat a variety of medical conditions. There are all sorts of rules and restrictions involved; however, this is a very big step forward in … Read more

How Can A Product Manager Make Something Old New Again?

Pity the poor product manager who has been saddled with responsibility for a product whose time has clearly come and gone: the lowly pencil. I mean, here we are living in the age of smartphones and tablets, who needs a pencil and for that matter, could anyone find a pencil sharpener even if they could … Read more

Prada Product Managers Try To Recover From A Stumble

I must confess that I’m not that much into women’s handbags; however, even I recognize what brands are the most desirable in this category. Prada has always been in the lead. What woman wouldn’t kill for this season’s Prada bag? This is just the way that it’s always been. However, lately even the Prada product … Read more

The Problem That Product Managers Have With Super-Sized Products

So how did your product start out? I suspect that your company discovered that a group of potential customers had a problem, created a product development definition to solve that problem and then went out and sold a product based on that. With a little luck, both you and your company were successful doing this. … Read more

The Truth? Your Customers Can’t Handle The Truth!

How much does your product cost? No, I mean based on your product development definition how much does it really cost? Once you account for all of the taxes, installation fees, ongoing maintenance, how much are your customers going to end up paying to use your product? Perhaps even more importantly, how are your customers … Read more

3 Tips For Staging A Grand Product Launch

As a product manager, you want your product to be a success. You do your best to understand what your customers will want, you work with your developers to create the right product development definition, and you train your sales teams to go sell it. However, there’s one more thing that you need to be … Read more

What McDonald’s Mistake Can Teach Product Managers

Eating at McDonalds is a guilty pleasure that we have all done before. It seems like there is a McDonalds restaurant on just about every corner and when we’re in a rush, or simply don’t have time to plan a meal, we always know that we can go to McDonalds to get something to eat. … Read more

Can Product Managers Be Too Clever When It Comes To Pricing?

How much does your product cost? I’m willing to bet that you have a price sheet / guide somewhere that took a big effort to create. You probably had to study the market, study your customers, and study what the other guys were charging in order to come up with your prices as a part … Read more