Product Managers Think That There’s Something Fishy About Their Prices

How are sales of your product doing? Not so well? Are you thinking about changing the price of your product? Is it looking like you are going to have to raise your prices because everything is costing you more? What’s that going to do to your sales? Have you told the account manager and business … Read more

Netflix Teaches Product Managers Lessons About Pricing

As product managers we all dream of the day that we could muster up the courage to actually raise the price of our product. Just imagine – we wouldn’t have to do any additional work, and we’d be able to bring in even more money! Apparently the product managers over at Netflix had the same … Read more

Video: 3 Skills That Most Product Managers Are Missing

It turns out that most product managers are showing up for work only partially dressed when you consider what skills they are missing. Dr. Anderson uncovers the 3 skills that every product manager must have in order to be successful. Dr. Anderson discovers that just knowing about your product is not enough. Instead, product managers … Read more

What Can FishVille Teach Product Managers About Using Analytics?

Here’s a classic product management question for you: how well do you know your customers? I mean, do you know then REALLY well? We all like to say that we know what our customers are looking for, but do we? The product managers over at the online gaming company Zynga (you know, the one that … Read more

What “What’s In Your Wallet?” Means To Product Managers

I’m sure that any product manager living in the U.S. has encountered one of the Capital One ads for their credit cards at some point in time over the last year or so. What might get lost in the blizzard of Capital One ads and promotions that seem to always be around us, is that … Read more

What A Video Rental Store Can Teach Product Managers

Not to date myself or anything, but can anyone else remember going to the video store on a Friday or Saturday night? I’d wander the aisles and take a look at every movie on the “just released” rack in order to decide which one or two videos I was going to rent. Netflix and the … Read more

Is Being Yellow The Worst Product Management Job In The World – Or Not?

When I was first out living on my own, the arrival of the latest copy of the yellow (and white) pages was a big deal. Since my parents had always received these huge volumes, when I got mine I felt that somehow I was now a “grown up”. Fast forward to the 21st Century and … Read more

What A High-End Boutique Can Teach A Product Manager About Marketing

So there you are, a happy product manager creating and delivering products that meet your customer’s needs. All of a sudden (but you should have seen it coming) a big box competitor with tons of selection and low, low prices shows up in your backyard. Oh, oh – what’s a product manager to do now? … Read more

Video: Stop Giving Your Customers Too Many Choices — They Don’t Want Them!

It makes sense that the more choices that a Product Manager gives to his or her customers, the happier they’d be, right? Dr. Anderson takes a look at what happens when we present our customers with too many decisions to make. Dr. Anderson discovers that the one thing that our overloaded customers really don’t want … Read more