How Home Depot Product Managers Are Fighting Back Against Amazon

If you are a product manager working in the field of retail goods, there is one word that should strike fear in your heart: Amazon. Retailers like Macy’s, Nordstrom’s, and Kohl’s have all been reporting decreased sales and the culprit is Amazon. They are all losing customers to the online giant. It turns out that … Read more

What Can Product Managers Learn From Japanese Cigarettes?

No matter how you personally feel about smoking, you have got to admit that the market for cigarettes is huge. You can hardly go into a gas station without being confronted with an entire wall of different brands of cigarettes all of which have just slightly different product development definitions. With so many different types … Read more

What Would It Be Like To Be A Product Manager At YouTube?

Every product manager dreams of being in charge of a successful product. You can well imagine what a great job it must be to be a product manager who works for YouTube. The online YouTube service has over 1 billion users! However, their biggest challenge right now is that they basically are not making any … Read more

Sprint Product Managers Try To Take On AT&T And Verizon

Being a product manager who works in the highly competitive wireless market has got to be a struggle every day. There are not a lot of players in this market, in the U.S. there really is just AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile. However, each of these companies is always looking for ways to steal market … Read more

How Can A Product Manager Bring A Bookstore Back From The Dead?

As a product manager, one of the things that we like the best is taking on a challenge. However, there has to be a least a chance that we can be successful. If someone came to you and asked you to make a book store become successful in this day and age, would you take … Read more

Oracle Product Managers Get Ready To Battle Amazon In The Cloud

I’m pretty sure that by now you’ve heard about “the cloud” – it’s the mythical place where companies can get their programs to run and their data to be stored in such a way that they don’t have to buy any computers or storage systems. Another company takes care of all of the day-to-day activities … Read more

Car Maker Product Managers Face An Apple / Google Threat

I am more than comfortable admitting that I become lost very easily. Even in my home town where I’ve lived forever, when I’m told to go somewhere and get something, the chances are very good that I’ll have no idea where I’m supposed to go. This is why I own one of those fancy Garmin … Read more

UPS Product Managers Experiment With The World Of 3D Printing

When someone mentions UPS to you, what do you generally think of? Probably one of their brown trucks that we see everywhere or perhaps it is one of their delivery employees dressed head-to-toe in their traditional brown uniform. However, this may all be changing. The product managers at UPS believe that they have seen the … Read more

How Can Product Managers Turn A Competitor’s Advantage Against Them?

As product managers sometimes we have to sit back and just watch our competition execute a fantastic marketing program. Due to limitations that might be budget based, resource based, related to our product development definition, or simply lack of time based there is nothing that we can do to counter what our competition is doing. … Read more