Product Managers Prepare To Battle For The Inside Of Your Car
The battle for the fourth major screen in our lives, the car dashboard, has started and it is pitching car manufactures against high-tech firms
The Accidental Product Manager
Home Of The Billion Dollar Product Manager Where You Too Can Learn To Be A Wildly Successful Product Manger
The battle for the fourth major screen in our lives, the car dashboard, has started and it is pitching car manufactures against high-tech firms
Just imagine if you were a product manager at one of the big technology firms out there (Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Oracle, etc.). You would always be under pressure to change your product development definition and come up with new and different ways for the company to make money. You’d probably look at all of the … Read more
I am more than comfortable admitting that I become lost very easily. Even in my home town where I’ve lived forever, when I’m told to go somewhere and get something, the chances are very good that I’ll have no idea where I’m supposed to go. This is why I own one of those fancy Garmin … Read more