When Product Managers Do Bad Things

Product managers can do bad things too

I’d like to tell you that the calling to become a product manager is only received by those of us with the highest morals. However, I really can’t say that. What this means is that in the world of product managers, there are the good ones and the not so good ones. I like to … Read more

Product Managers At Tech Giants Try To Not Anger Banks With New Products

Product managers have to practice being frenemies with banks

Just imagine if you were a product manager at one of the big technology firms out there (Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Oracle, etc.). You would always be under pressure to change your product development definition and come up with new and different ways for the company to make money. You’d probably look at all of the … Read more

How To Keep Your Monthly Car Insurance Payments Low

Owning a car is a truly exciting and a one-of-a-kind experience. This is especially true when you are young. Not only does it give you the ability to go wherever you want, whenever you want, but it gives you the freedom that you need from your parents. However, finding an affordable vehicle and purchasing it … Read more