How Should Facebook Tell People About News?

So here’s an interesting question for you. If I was to ask you where people spend the most amount of time when they are on the Internet, where would you say that they go? Google? Yahoo? A sports site like ESPN? Those are all good guesses, but you’d be wrong. The correct answer, not all … Read more

How To Create Newsletters That Kill

In the Twitter and Facebook era in which we are currently living, you might think that sending an email to your existing and potential customers is too old school. However, you’d be wrong. It turns out that email newsletters are one of the fastest growing areas of marketing communication. The reason that emails are such … Read more

Chipotle Product Managers Play Games With Ethics – Is This Ok To Do?

So product manager, I’ve got an interesting ethical issue for you. Are you ready? If sales of your product were sagging and your boss came to you and told you that it was your job to boost sales, how far would you go to make this happen? Would you change your product development definition? Would … Read more

Product Promotion On A Budget

There are a lot of companies that a product manager can work for and it sure feels like I’ve worked for many of them. During my career so far, I’ve worked for four very large international firms and four startups. I can tell you that when I’ve been working for a startup, money has always … Read more

Product Marketing On A Shoestring Budget

So I’ve been a product manager at a number of startups and I’ve enjoyed every one of these experiences. I find that startups have a sense of energy that I just don’t find at the larger companies that I’ve worked for. However, what startups are more often than not missing is money. Cash. What this … Read more

Product Managers Need To Learn To Use Ads Carefully

If the product that you are responsible for is going to be successful, then you are going to have to find ways to get your potential customers to notice it. One way to go about doing this is to create ads that work with your product development definition and talk about your product and the … Read more

How Do Product Managers Prepare For A Marketing Disaster?

As product managers we generally spend our time trying to find ways to update our product development definition in order to make our product be more appealing to potential customers. Our goal is to convince them that we make a good product that will solve whatever their problems happen to be. The one thing that … Read more

Product Manager Need To Understand The Power Of A Candy Bar

Can we talk about trade shows for just a moment? During my product manager career, I have been to a countless number of these things. I must confess, I love them! The travel, the pageantry, the people that I meet all appeal to me. However, when it comes down to just exactly how successful they … Read more

What Does Your Product Smell Like?

As product managers we are always thinking of ways to make our product more appealing to our customers. We all have long lists of features that we just know that once they are implemented; our product will become irresistible to our customers. However, there is a good chance that we may be overlooking something. Is … Read more

How Product Managers Can Use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest To Create Product Buzz

As product managers living and working in the 21st Century, we all know about the importance of social media. Many of us have probably already added these skills to our product manager resume. However, discovering just exactly how to make the best use of these new tools that allow us to get in contact with … Read more