How Product Managers Can Master The Art Of Conversation

When I’m talking with product managers who are first starting out, their questions all revolve around things like product road maps, how to create a product development definition, and the best way to collect customer requirements. It’s when I talk with product managers who have been doing this job for a while that the questions … Read more

It Takes A Team To Launch A Product

Any time the company completes the creation of a new product, or a new version of an existing product, it’s time to launch the new offering. Hmm, now exactly how should we go about doing this? There’s nothing in the product development definition that tells us how to do it correctly. All too often the … Read more

What Twitter Has To Teach Product Managers

By now, everyone should know what Twitter is: the very popular Internet service that allows users to send messages that can be up 140 characters in length. Combine this with the ability to follow interesting people, resend what has been sent, and use #hashtags to identify interesting content and all of a sudden you have … Read more

Product Managers Need To Know How To Make Word Of Mouth Work For Their Product

As product managers, it is our job to make sure that our products meet the needs of our customers. As part of our product development definition we spend a lot of time trying to find ways to get the message about our product out to our customers: we run ads, we attend tradeshows, and we … Read more

4 Ways Product Managers Can Use Social Media

I’m always being asked by product managers what the most important product management tools are when you are creating a product development definition. We all know the obvious ones: PowerPoint, Word, and Excel. However, things are changing. Social media and its related tools are talking on increasing importance and as product managers we need to … Read more

Is Social Media Worth The Effort For Product Managers?

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, the list just keeps getting longer. Social media has certainly arrived. As product managers we all realize that these new tools offer us a fantastic way to get in touch with our potential customers and they need to be a part of our product development definition. However, it’s going to take … Read more

Don’t Even Think About Keeping Your Product Details Secret

You’ve got a great product. In fact, it might even be a revolutionary product. Well, there are at least some features of your product and its product development definition that you are very proud of – nobody else has them. You would sure like to tell your customers about how great your product is, but … Read more

Product Manager Meet Your New BFF: The Analyst

Product managers spend a great deal of time looking inside of their company in order to determine what their product development definition is telling them needs to be done next in order to both create and market their product. What we can forget is that the real world in which our product will be competing … Read more

What Product Managers Need To Know About The Art Of PR

When you are the product manager who is responsible for a product, then you wear many different hats. One of these hats has to do with public relations (PR) for your product. Just exactly how is product manager supposed to get the word out about how great your product is? The World Of PR Has … Read more

Why WIIFM Is The Question That Every Product Manager Must Answer

What does it take to get a prospective customer to turn into an actual customer who buys your product? When I’ve asked this question to many product managers I always seem to get the same answer: the sales funnel shows how long it takes to move a customer from prospect to customer. Everyone seems to … Read more