Why Product Managers Should Move Slowly

Just exactly what a product manager does during the average day can vary from product manager to product manager. However, there is one thing that all of us do each and every day: make decisions. Sometimes we make good decisions, sometimes not so good decisions. As product managers we’d all like to find a way … Read more

Why Breaking Things Up Is How Product Managers Have To Communicate

One of the toughest jobs that any product manager has is to do is to communicate with a wide range of different people. When we have a new idea, a new strategy, a change to our product development definition, or a new product feature that we’d like to implement, sometimes getting what we want to … Read more

Lots Of Social Media Choices, But Which Ones Work For Product Managers?

Pitty the poor product manager. There you are, sitting in the middle of the greatest social media revolution to ever happen and now you find yourself with too many choices. After you get done creating your product development definition, should you be spending your time on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or should you be off in … Read more

Why Product Managers Need To Learn To Love Inbound Marketing

What kind of marketing do you do: outbound or inbound? For that matter, do you even know the difference? In today’s overloaded, hyper connected society, getting the attention of our potential customers has become harder than ever. Darn. As product managers we need to find ways to overcome this hurdle and right now, it’s looking … Read more

Product Managers Know That They Need To Make Their Product Contagious

If you had to picture your product becoming wildly successful, what would you see in your mind’s eye? I’m betting that you wouldn’t be picturing a whole bunch of people sneezing – that was never part of your product development definition. However, if you take just a moment and think about it, what we really … Read more

So You Need to Promote Your Product?

Note: This posting has been guest written by Angie Picardo. Angie Picardo is a staff writer for NerdWallet. Her mission is to help entrepreneurs stay financially savvy, and save some money with a Karmaloop coupon code. You’ve made a new product— hooray! But how can you get people to buy it? Here are some tips … Read more

What Product Managers Can Learn From The World’s Best Advertiser

So who was the most successful ad man in history? I’m not 100% sure, but if you had to line them all up, David Ogilvy would be close to the front of the line. In fact he was so good at what he did that he was often called “The Father Of Advertising”. Clearly this … Read more

What Banks Can Teach Product Managers About Targeted Marketing

I’ve got a quick question for you: where do you keep your money? I’m not talking about pocket change, I’m talking about the big stuff – like your last paycheck? If you are like most product managers, you have a checking account and that’s where you keep your money. It turns out that about 25% … Read more

What Volvo Can Teach Product Managers About Not Crashing Their Careers

When I say “Volvo” to you, what do you think of first? I’m willing to bet that some form of the word “safety” comes to mind. Ok, now when I say your product’s name to you, what comes into your mind? Hmm, not quite the same – it looks like your product doesn’t have the … Read more

How Product Managers Manage A Product That Nobody Needs

What’s the first thing that every product manager learns? Simple, that you have to figure out what problem your product solves for your customer if you want the product to be a success – this is almost part of the product development definition. That’s all fine and dandy; however, what’s a product manager to do … Read more