Product Managers Need To Understand The Power Of A Newsletter

Product Managers know that newsletters can be a powerful way to stay in touch with your customers

As product managers we spend a great deal of our time trying to figure out how to get more people to buy our products. This is all fine, but it turns out that some of our most profitable customers may be the people who have already bought our product. Since they have already bought into … Read more

How To Create Newsletters That Kill

In the Twitter and Facebook era in which we are currently living, you might think that sending an email to your existing and potential customers is too old school. However, you’d be wrong. It turns out that email newsletters are one of the fastest growing areas of marketing communication. The reason that emails are such … Read more

Lessons From The Front Lines: Product Management At Startups

So here’s my story: at this point in my career I’ve worked for 8 separate companies. Four of them were enormous multinational firms and four of them were startups. Three of the startups that I worked for went out of business and I’m now working at my fourth startup (keep your fingers crossed). If anyone … Read more