Product Managers Think That There’s Something Fishy About Their Prices

How are sales of your product doing? Not so well? Are you thinking about changing the price of your product? Is it looking like you are going to have to raise your prices because everything is costing you more? What’s that going to do to your sales? Have you told the account manager and business … Read more

Netflix Teaches Product Managers Lessons About Pricing

As product managers we all dream of the day that we could muster up the courage to actually raise the price of our product. Just imagine – we wouldn’t have to do any additional work, and we’d be able to bring in even more money! Apparently the product managers over at Netflix had the same … Read more

What Can FishVille Teach Product Managers About Using Analytics?

Here’s a classic product management question for you: how well do you know your customers? I mean, do you know then REALLY well? We all like to say that we know what our customers are looking for, but do we? The product managers over at the online gaming company Zynga (you know, the one that … Read more

What “What’s In Your Wallet?” Means To Product Managers

I’m sure that any product manager living in the U.S. has encountered one of the Capital One ads for their credit cards at some point in time over the last year or so. What might get lost in the blizzard of Capital One ads and promotions that seem to always be around us, is that … Read more

Why Product Managers Need To Learn How To Do Visioning

Being a product manager is a hard job. It seems like there is always too much to do every single day. Keeping yourself focused on what needs to be done today or maybe even tomorrow is enough to keep you fully booked. Oh wait, there is one other thing that you need to be doing … Read more

How Can A Product Manager Create A Good Product Strategy?

So what’s your product strategy? If you are like most product managers, you probably don’t have one. Oh sure, if somebody asks you what your product’s strategy is, you can quickly come up with some words that sound good – increase market share, drive down costs, beat the competition, etc. But really, just between us … Read more

Are The Blackberry Product Managers Playing Below The RIM?

Come with me while we travel back in time, not far, just 5 years or so. Now that we’re here, take a look around. What do you see? I bet you see just about all of those corporate folks using their Blackberries to make calls and check email. Poof! Now we’re back in current times. … Read more

How Garmin Product Managers Keep From Getting Lost

How do you find your way around these days? If you are like most of us, you probable own one of those pocket sized GPS receivers that show you a map of where you are and how to get to where you want to go to. Lots of companies make these, but Garmin was one … Read more

How Dell Product Managers Dropped The Ball On Tablet Computers

If there was such a thing as a standard product manager job description, then you’d think that it would contain the phrase “… be responsible for developing products that solve problems and sell well…” The product managers over at Dell recently had a fantastic opportunity to create a tablet product that would take over the … Read more