At Last – Product Managers Rediscover Samples

The secret to true product manager success is to get more people to buy your product. Giving it away for free sure seems like a great way to get this to happen – but you probably won’t keep your job for long. Maybe there’s another way. Could rediscovering the lost art of using free samples … Read more

Product Managers Know New Marketing Techniques Are Not Necessarily The Best

One of the reasons that we all became product managers is that we were attracted to the field because it is always changing. Part of this change is that new marketing techniques are always showing up. Product managers are always attracted to shiny new ways to reach our customers. However, should we be? What’s the … Read more

The UFC Teaches Product Managers How To Fight For Their Product

Product pricing? How boring. Working with development teams? Yawn. Mixed Martial Arts fighting inside of an 18′ chain-link fence — bring it on! I recently had a chance to watch the Ultimate Fighting Championship’s (UFC) broadcast of UFC 128 – a pay-for-view fight between 10 different men. In the end, I had seen a lot … Read more

Product Managers Learn How To Make YouTube Work For Their Product

Who hasn’t heard of YouTube by now? It’s that Google owned web site where anyone can upload videos that they’ve made to share with the world. Every once in awhile a video will “go viral” and literally millions of people will take time out of their day to visit the YouTube web site and spend … Read more

Really Expensive Watches Need Product Managers Too

Take a look at your wrist – are you wearing a watch? These days a lot of us have foregone watches because now we have cell phones that seem to always know what time it is. However, there is another group of people who wouldn’t be caught dead without having a watch on. In fact, … Read more

Product Mangers Need To Do A Better Job Of Being Professional On Conference Calls

Ah, conference calls / video calls – it’s a love / hate relationship that product managers have with this staple of the 21st Century workplace. Sure they are a great way to pull together a team that is working remotely, even in other countries, but there sure are a lot of drawbacks to trying to … Read more

Why Product Managers Need To Care About Farms, Fish, And The Mafia

It’s time for true confessions: you play one of those silly Facebook games don’t you? Pick your poison:Farmville, Fishville, Mafi Wars, etc.The company that makes these games, Zynga, currently boasts that they have over 100M users (and that’s just after 2 years). What can they teach the rest of us product managers? Can A Product … Read more

What “Jersey Shore” Can Teach Product Managers

I am very embarrassed. The other day I was flipping through the TV channels and I happened to stumble across MTV’s reality show “Jersey Shore”. If you aren’t familiar with this show, it’s a reality show where cameras follow around 8 young people who grew up in New Jersey and who are now living together … Read more

Product Manager: Don’t Step On Your Long Tail…!

If you want to sell a lot of your product, where is the best place to try to sell it? Would it be better to go to a crowed market where there are lots of people but also lots of other product managers with similar products? Or would it be better to go into a … Read more

Product Lust: Could Desire Really Be A Bad Thing?

Way back when you were just a green product manager and you were still learning the marketing ropes, I’m going to bet that someone once upon a time sat you down and told you that sometimes when there is not enough of your hot product to meet customer’s demand, this can be a good thing. … Read more