4 Marketing Trends That Well Dressed Products Need To Know

Every year the global fashion industry rolls out new lines of fashions from famous designers. The world gathers at trendy fashion shows to gasp in amazement as they discover which designers have outdone themselves this year and which ones have gone off into the weeds. Maybe it’s time for you to take a look at … Read more

What Online Dating Services Can Teach Product Manager About Love

Are you looking for love product manager? Even if you aren’t, there appear to be plenty of other folks out there who are and this has created a booming business in the Internet-based dating service business. Now if you think that your product management job is difficult and confusing, just imagine if you were trying … Read more

5 Secrets To Product Manger Success At Your Next Trade Show

Image Credit Think back over all of that university training that you (or your parents) paid for. Just for a good measure, throw in all of that training that you’ve sat through since you started working. Wow – that’s a lot of learning. One quick question for you: in all of that classroom / online … Read more

Trade Show Survival Tactics For Product Managers

I can only speak for myself, but I actually enjoy going to industry trade shows. It’s time out of the office, I get to hang out with other people who work in my industry who can feel my pain (whatever it happens to be this year), and I get to see a bunch of friends … Read more

What Does A Product Manager Need To Do At Your Next Industry Show?

As the global economy snaps back, product managers are going to start traveling once again. Where will we be going? One place that we should plan on spending some time will be at industry trade shows (pause for collective groan). No, these are not the most enjoyable things to go to just to hand out … Read more

Product Manager: Is It Time To Create A Catalog For Your Product?

Why Create A Catalog? So here’s a novel thought for you to consider Product Manager: why not create a catalog for your product? Based on a recommendation from a friend, I’ve been reading the book “Catalog Design: Creating Desire” and it has given me a whole new appreciation for catalogs. I used to just get … Read more

A Cheap Way To Stay In Touch With Your Customers

So let me guess, the travel budget for your product which was measly to begin with has been slashed to the bone and you’re going to be home for dinner for the foreseeable future. That’s great news if you don’t like to travel, but it sorta sucks if you want to stay in contact with … Read more

The 6th Product Manager Sense: I See Dead Products

Does the recession have you down? How’s your product doing — nobody buying, nobody interested? Cheer up — it turns out that this is actually the best time to be a product manager. Recessions are some of the best times for product managers to create new products that shake up the market and make your … Read more

Why ROI Is The WRONG Way To Measure Your Product’s Marketing Program

Ah the world of product marketing — it’s where artists dream up brightly colored logos and put together viral YouTube videos that nobody really understands but everyone has to watch and send to their friends. Well, as a product manager you may think that that is what goes on in the world of marketing, but … Read more