Every Product Manager Needs A Product E-mail Newsletter

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Every product manager wants to be able to stay in touch with the people who have already purchased their product. There are a lot of ways to do this including having a good working relationship with your sales team. However, … Read more

Applying Digital Product Management To Perfume

Think, if you will, about the world of perfumes. This market consists of tiny little bottles that contain liquids that when sprayed on (most of the time) women produce scents that the wearer believes will make them more attractive to the opposite sex. Chanel No. 5 is considered to be the most expensive perfume in … Read more

Who Is Going To Fix Twitter’s Product?

Just about everyone out there has heard about Twitter. It’s the company that invented the 140 character “tweet” micro-blogging platform. TV shows, journalists, and celebrities all seem to be using this service all the time. The problem is that regular people don’t seem to be using it. Basically, Twitter has a product development definition problem … Read more

What Do The Nook Product Managers Have To Do To Save Their Product?

Just how cool would it be to work in the world of high technology consumer goods? I mean we’re talking about products like the Apple iPhone, smart watches, the Kindle, Google Glass, and – the Nook? Yes, consumer electronics is an exciting place to have your product competing, but it’s a brutal market and if … Read more

The Art Of Building The Right Airplane For The Right Customer

When you are a product manager who is in charge of a successful product, you often become nervous when it becomes time to create and launch your next product. You want it to be a success also, but you’re not sure how to make this happen. Just imagine how the product managers at the aircraft … Read more

Pepsi Product Managers Try To Fool Everyone All The Time

Over at the soft drink maker Pepsi, the product managers are in the middle of making a very big change. They are tinkering with the product development definition for their popular diet Pepsi drink. What makes this change so very interesting is that the reason that they are doing it is to respond to incorrect … Read more

Verizon Product Managers Show The Dangers Of Trying To Be Too Cool

Just in case you didn’t hear about it, Verizon is rolling out a new wireless service that they are calling “go90”. The name comes from the product development definition that says that users will now start rotating their phones 90 degrees in order to watch videos on the go90 service. Now Verizon is a very … Read more

Product Marketing On A Shoestring Budget

So I’ve been a product manager at a number of startups and I’ve enjoyed every one of these experiences. I find that startups have a sense of energy that I just don’t find at the larger companies that I’ve worked for. However, what startups are more often than not missing is money. Cash. What this … Read more

What Can Product Managers Learn From How The iPhone Was Born?

If you are like most product managers, you look at the iPhone and wish that it was the product that you were managing. I mean, how cool would that be? Who wouldn’t want to be in charge of a product that has sold over 470M copies? One of the things that we often overlook is … Read more