4 Ways To Lock-Down Your Product’s Pricing

You would think that simply by setting the price of your product and then telling the world about it would wrap up that part of being a Product Manager, right? Well guess what, in this era of the Internet everything having to do with product pricing has become more complicated. What you need is a … Read more

4 Ways Product Managers Can Prevent The Internet From Killing Your Product’s Price

That there Internet is a powerful tool in the hands of your potential customers. You probably vary the price of your product over time – lowering it when you want to boost sales or when you have a new version that you are getting ready to introduce. Well guess what, your customers have figured out … Read more

7 Product Pricing Mistakes That Product Managers Make

If you asked a product manager what the scariest part of their job is, I think that you’d get a lot of them telling you”pricing”. It’s sorta a black hole – you make a guess, cross your fingers, and then hope that enough customers buy your product at a given price and that you’re not … Read more

How Product Managers Can Raise Their Product’s Price & Sell More

What do most product managers do whenever their product sales start to decline? No matter if it’s because customers have lost interest or if it’s because a new competitor has just shown up, we all tend to do the same thing:slash our prices. In the new competitive global marketplace this doesn’t work any more. It’s … Read more

Lessons From Starbucks’ Product Managers: How To Protect Your Product’s Rear

So there you are product manager, sitting on the top of the world in charge of the #1 selling brand of coffee and you’re pulling in something like $4 a cup. Then all of a sudden: blam! The global economy falls off a cliff and suddenly there are a whole bunch of competitors who start … Read more

Your Product Costs Too Damn Much

The part of being a Product Manger that I hate the most is pricing. How am I expected to come up with just the right price for my product? Who am I – Goldilocks: my product’s price is supposed to be not too high, not too low, just right? That’s a tall order. Now I’ve … Read more

Breakeven Analysis Is A Product Manger’s Secret Weapon

Product managers know that how they price their products can be the difference between runaway success and total failure for their products. However, knowing this and knowing how to price well are two completely different things. In fact, there is often a great deal of outside pressure on product mangers to change their product’s price … Read more

Slimmed Down Products Make Product Managers Look Good

If product managers ran the world, we’d be able to sell our products to everyone at a very high price. However, since we don’t run the world (yet), we need to adjust and adapt in order to sell our products to as many people as possible for as high a price as is possible. However, … Read more

Cost Of Materials Is A Product Manager’s New Friend

In the current tough economic times we are all feeling the pressure to keep sales of our product either at current levels or to boost them in order to make up for shortfalls in other parts of the company. When  you step back for a moment and realize that our customers, both current and potential, … Read more

Going Cheap Is Ok For Some Product Managers

Ok, I’ll say it one more time: times are tough all over. If you are a Product Manager who’s product is, how shall I say this nicely, priced on the high side then what are you to do in these troubling times? Sure you can mess around with your product’s pricing and you could even … Read more