Product Managers Need To Learn How To Pivot

As a part of your product development definition, one of the things that every product manager eventually does is to create a business plan for their product. In this plan we lay out a strategy: what customers we want to go after, what problems we want to solve, and what product we want to offer … Read more

When New Tools Mean New Products: Energy Business Lessons For Product Managers

As product managers we’d like to think that the new product creation process and its product development definition process are a neat, orderly process. However, the reality is often quite different. New products have a nasty habit of popping up all of a sudden and as product managers, we need to be able to react … Read more

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About How To Launch A Product

Do you have a product launch coming up in your future? Sorry – that’s a trick question, we all have launches coming up. No matter if it’s a new product that you’ll be launching or a new version of an existing product, it’s all about the launch. As important as this product manager activity is, … Read more

Product Management Failure: Google’s Moto X

As you slave away at your product management job, you probably dream of how great it would be to work at some progressive company where (finally!) your skills as a product manager would be truly appreciated. Some company that understood the important role that we product managers play and who would give us the authority … Read more

A Candy Bar Teaches Product Managers Lessons About Redesigning Product Packaging

Imagine for just a moment that you were the product manager who was in charge of a candy bar. Let’s say that that candy bar had been invented a long time ago, say 1920 or so, and its packaging was starting to look old. This was never part of your product development definition. How would … Read more

Why Bank of America Needs To Do More Checking On Its Products

As product managers, one of our main goals is to always be searching for ways to apply the product development definition in order to leverage our products and boost the company’s bottom line. At the same time, we need to stay aware of our product’s impact on the company’s reputation. Over at the U.S. bank, … Read more

Three Letters That Can Help Product Managers Be More Successful: ATM

Wouldn’t it be great if the product that you were managing was used by millions of people every day? Even better, wouldn’t it be cool if it performed some function that generally made them happy after they used it – like gave them money or something like that? Well guess what, product managers who work … Read more

How Roadmaps Can Prevent Product Managers From Getting Lost

Where is your product going to be in 6 months? What features will it have in a year? What is going to make your product different than everyone else’s in 5 years? If you can’t answer these questions, then perhaps you either don’t have a product roadmap or the one that you have isn’t doing … Read more

10 Tips For Solving Common Product Development Problems

If there is one thing that really should scare a product manager, it’s the prospect of using the product development definition to create a brand new product. I mean really, just how likely is that you are going to fail big time? Fairly good if you ask me & that’s not going to look good … Read more