When Product Managers Do Bad Things

Product managers can do bad things too

I’d like to tell you that the calling to become a product manager is only received by those of us with the highest morals. However, I really can’t say that. What this means is that in the world of product managers, there are the good ones and the not so good ones. I like to … Read more

Grocery Product Managers Start To Think Small

Product managers start to bet on smaller grocery warehouses

Grocery product managers are starting to face a real problem. More and more of their business is starting to be driven by customers going online and ordering food and then expecting it to show up at their door. What this means for these product managers is that the old way of doing business, building more … Read more

What It Takes To Be A Pop-Up Product Manager

Pop-up product managers have to be quick on their feet

As product managers we are always being told that we need to better understand our customers. We believe that if we were to truly understand them, then we would know how to offer them the products that they want, when they want them, and where they want them. In the world of retail products this … Read more

Wine Product Managers Start To Use AI

Technology may be required in order to save the grape crop

Wine product managers are using AI software to determine how best to blend their smoky wildfire damaged grapes in order to produce sellable wines