Pay Attention Product Manager!

So what things are demanding your attention even as you read these words: emails, Web sites, your BlackBerry, text messages, Tweets, cell phone calls, … So much for having the ability to pay enough attention to get any work done. Wouldn’t it be nice if we knew how to keep our minds on something long … Read more

Just For You: The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter

It is with a great deal of pride that I am finally able to announce that free subscriptions to The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter are now available! Subscribe to The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter now: Click Here! Why A Newsletter? Why Now? You might be asking why I felt the need to create a newsletter … Read more

Free Training For Product Managers In NYC: ProductCamp NYC

I was quietly minding my own business the other day when Beth Robinson reached out to me via email and asked me if I’d be willing to help her to get the word out about some upcoming free Product Management training that’s going to be held up in New York City. I’m always a sucker … Read more

Networking 101 For Product Managers

I don’t care if you’re the best Product Manger this world has ever known, you may still find yourself without a job sometime – especially in this economy. Yeah, yeah we all know that we should have been networking like crazy all along; however, the sad truth is that all too often we neglect this … Read more

Internet Job Hunting Tips For Product Mangers

In these tough times, even  Product Mangers may find themselves out on the street looking for a new job. Over at the Cranky Product Manager blog, there has been a fast moving discussion about what to do when you find yourself “between jobs”. One topic that has not been dealt with has been what Internet … Read more

The Accidental Product Manager Reading List

Congratulations – you are a Product Manager. Now how do you stay on top of your profession? We all know that the world keeps changing and the skills and talents that it takes to be a product manger keep changing with it. The challenge that we all face is how do you become a better … Read more

Are Executive MBAs Valuable To Product Mangers?

As the world’s economy continues to shudder, everyone is scrambling to find ways to make themselves more valuable to both their current employer as well as to their next employer (if needed). For a long time, getting an MBA has been an option that many product managers have considered. The big drawback has always been … Read more

How To Keep Your Product Manager Job In A Recession

If you are a product manger at one of the big 3 car makers or even if you work for Motorola, times cannot be good for you right now. The rest of us are also looking over our shoulders trying to figure out if our jobs might be on the chopping block next. Every Product … Read more

Need Some Help With Self-Promotion At Work?

It’s just a little bit off-topic, but Meridith Levinson over at just interviewed me as a part of an article that she wrote titled Self-Promotion at Work: 8 Tips for Shy People. In these times of economic uncertainty, these tips might be just what the Doctor ordered for your career. Check the article out … Read more

How To Jump-Start A Stalled Product Manager

Ugh! It’s the 4th quarter, the financial world seems to be going to hell-in-a-hand-basket, a global recession appears to either be here or be looming, Microsoft’s Vista is still a dog, and all of those political TV commercials have now officially become annoying. Being a product manager is a tough job on the best of … Read more