Are You Cut Out To Be A Product Manger?

  Jeff Vance over at Sandstorm Media talked with me to get some inputs for an article that he was writing for the Project Manager Planet site. Yeah, yeah – I know that we’re Product Mangers not Project Managers. However, Jeff did a very good job of capturing a lot of what makes our job … Read more

Grow Your Career – What Product Managers Need To Do For Success

As though the job of being a Product Manager was not hard enough, there’s also that added responsibility that you have to manage your career. With all of the turmoil of the past couple of years, it’s now more important than ever for Product Managers to find the time to tend to this task. Growing … Read more

Pay Attention Product Manager!

So what things are demanding your attention even as you read these words: emails, Web sites, your BlackBerry, text messages, Tweets, cell phone calls, … So much for having the ability to pay enough attention to get any work done. Wouldn’t it be nice if we knew how to keep our minds on something long … Read more

Product Managers & The Secret Of The Color Wheel

So I’m just a little bit off the beaten path with this discussion, but I’ve recently had to sit through so many bad presentations that I’m feeling an overwhelming need to try to make the world a better place for Powerpoint slides to live in. We all live and die by Powerpoint. I can’t begin … Read more

How Product Managers Can Get Better At Creating Powerpoint Slides

Yeah, yeah I know that everyone says that they hate Powerpoint – “death by Powerpoint” and all of that. However, the reality of modern Product Manger life is that we end up using Powerpoint to communicate a lot of information about our products and the current status of our projects. Thank goodness you took all … Read more